Tej Courier Tracking

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Tej Courier Tracking Customer Care Service

LocationPhone NumberCompany Address
Kolhapur 0231 – 2550022 +91 8975754852517, E, Old Pune Bangalore Road,Kolhapur. 416 001.Maharashtra.India.

AWCC tracking Company’s Official Website Link: www.tejcouriers.com/

Looking for tracking information for a different courier company? Check out our post on V3 Tracking.

About The Company

On April 15, 1992, the Journey TEJ Courier Tracking  was established. Their traditional transport business was a natural fit for the courier division.

For courier companies, the winds of globalization brought with them numerous opportunities. Beginning with a small number of offices in Karnataka, Goa, and Maharashtra.

 Today, TEJ Courier Service boasts a significant presence in rural Maharashtra, a comprehensive network in Goa and Karnataka, and a partnership with well-known courier companies for shipments both domestically and internationally.

By providing prompt and dependable service for vaccine and Cold Chain products, we have carved out a special niche in the pharmaceutical industry. We offer one-of-a-kind courier services for blood samples and other medical supplies.

The company was founded by Mrs. Sadhana Ghatge, a certified professional who is well-versed in the service industry. Under her direction, the business has expanded numerous times.

Goals of TEJ Courier Tracking

Due to its reach and dependability, Tej Couriers strives to be the most dependable and sought-after courier.


  • Extending our reach nationally and globally.
  • To try to serve as ODA sectors at the extreme endpoint locations.
  • To keep software up to date so that customers can get the most out of it.
  • To ensure cost-effective customer service by consistently monitoring costs.

Product & Services

Tej Couriers Tracking is well-known for its prompt, safe, and dependable delivery. Always a customer of ours.

For Maharashtra and Goa, Tej has a Premium Document and Non-document segment as follows:

  • Tej Elite: The delivery of these high-priority documents and packages of extreme importance must occur before 11:30 a.m..
  • Tej Sure: The delivery of these documents and packages the following day must occur without delay.
  • Tej Passport : Due to the high security risks, most courier companies do not send “Passports” via courier.Tej Couriers is in charge of getting passports to the person in question on time and with care.