Airstar Courier Tracking

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Enter your Tracking Number and click the button

Enter your Airstar Courier Tracking number in the form above, then click on the Track button to view the status of your parcel.

Customer Service

Phone Number0141-2360998, 2361575,5106865 5111658,5111655,2371355
Company AddressB-2, Anukampa Tower, Church Road, M.I., Road,Jaipur-302004 (Rajasthan)

Official Website Link:

You Can Also Track: Shree Mahavir Courier Tracking.

About The Company 

In the courier industry, AirStar Express Couriers has set the standard for service. It goes without saying how much special care they give to your precious time, sensitive documents, and packages of any size or weight. 

This Courier Tracking Company provides you with the best and most dependable services at a fair price.They provides its services throughout Rajasthan (India).They guarantees the delivery’s efficiency, safety, and foolproof dispatch.


Multi-modal container units, which were made as reusable carriers to make it easier to handle the goods inside by unit load, are also called cargo, especially by shipping lines and logisticians. Similarly, the recording of aircraft ULD boxes as cargo along with a packing list of the items inside is done.

The cargo recording process involves recording each unit of empty shipping containers as cargo. When the containers store goods, people refer to the stored items as containerized cargo.

Reasons To Choose

  • 1.Tool for Customer Satisfaction 
  • 2.Management & Reporting
  • 3.Options for Freight Payment 
  • 4.Compliance Solutions

Other Services by Airstar Xpress

  • ASX Xpress
  • ASX Priority
  • ASX Economy
  • ASX Metro

REGULARITY of Airstar Xpress Courier

 When booking shipments through AIR STAR EXPRESS COURIERS, they ask that their clients adhere to the following terms and conditions.

  • Consignor (with address, phone number, and name)
  • Consignee (name, address, and telephone number)
  • Origin (the booking location)
  • The location of the delivery
  • Non-Dox and Dox Samples
  • Quantity of pieces
  • The shipment weight
  • Method of transportation Surface, Train, and Air)
  • Contents.
  • Consignment value. Insurance (If the amount is greater than Rs. 1000/- )
  • For commercial shipments, an invoice, declaration, and the appropriate sales tax form should be attached. With the exception of documents, all valuable shipments and samples will be accepted open. The shipment will be deemed dox if neither the value nor the sender’s signature are included.