Shree Tirupati Courier Tracking

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Tirupati Courier Contact Number

Phone Number0281-2460515
Email Address[email protected]

Official Website Link:

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Tirupati Courier Tracking

Private courier company Shree Tirupati Ltd. has emerged as top Messenger Administrations in the country with an extremely limited capacity to focus on staying up with current times and utilizing high innovation and giving brief, dependable, fast and solid help.

Established In 2003

Private courier company Shree Tirupati Ltd. with its nonstop administrations by the organization of 1500 Centers in 21 conditions of the nation has arisen as super and notable Messenger Administrations in the country.

Tirupati Courier Tracking younger and more upbeat Chairman, Shri Ramjibhai Shiyani, and Managing Director, Shri Jayeshbhai Shiyani, as well as the other directors, are to be credited with the overall success for their unity and more than 28 years of experience in the courier business. It seeks to come an ever-increasing number of focuses in an extremely not-so-distant future with your glow and proceeded with collaboration on occasion.

Shree Tirupati Office


Private courier company Shree Tirupati Ltd. has emerged as top Messenger Administrations in the country with an extremely limited capacity to focus on staying up with current times utilizing high innovation and giving brief, dependable, fast and solid help.

Shree Tirupati Shipway


Private courier company Shree Tirupati Ltd. Is one of the Quickest developing Dispatch in India. An inside brief time of humility. They have laid out more than a thousand Branches all over India. They intend to open as many branches as possible throughout India as soon as possible.


Private courier company Shree Tirupati Ltd. provides business customers in India with ground and air, same-day, document, and package delivery services. They can deliver throughout India as a result of strategic alliances.


Shree Tirupati Courier Tracking workforce, the markets they serve, and the services they offer are all actively pursuing diversity. They perceive that the specialized difficulties they tackle require new points of view and receptive outlooks.


Shree Tirupati Courier Services Pvt. Ltd. employs cutting-edge innovative technology and an advanced logistics platform. Ltd. can offer a one-of-a-kind Pick Up and Delivery (PUD) service for palettes up to 1000 kilograms in weight and the heaviest items. 

A Proof of Delivery system, which can monitor all packages through an online track and trace feature in real-time, further enhances the PUD service.


Private courier company Shree Tirupati Ltd. has a dissemination impression that covers all edges of India. They will find a service that meets your requirements, no matter how big or short the project is.

Overnight Express

This service ensures delivery within one business day.


Distribution to Retail and Chain Stores: Daily delivery of your products to major retail outlets. This will be either founded on your predefined conveyance dates with the corporate retailers or pre-decided booking dates. 

Shree Tirupati Courier Tracking Shipway likewise comprehends that desk work prerequisites in retail outlets can in some cases be difficult and their talented staff will remove this authoritative cerebral pain from you.

Shree Tirupati Courier


  • Passports.
  • Stamped envelopes, postal products, and personal mail
  • Gold, Silver, Jewels, Valuable Stones.
  • Lottery tickets and share certificates.
  • Explosives and military gear.
  • Products associated with tobacco.
  • Articles Not Listed for Cities
  • Iata Confined Articles.
  • Materials for Pornography
  • Items in liquid form
  • Art and antiques.
  • Articles For A.P.O.
  • Whatever other Thing Which Is Hazardous To Convey.
  • Cellular phone
  • Money (instruments equivalent to cash and cash)
  • Corpses, organs, and body parts of humans
  • Inflammable/Substance Powders.
  • Plants for livestock, poultry, etc.
  • Drinking and using drugs
  • With a Postal Box Number
  • Content for Cantt. Area.
  • Foodstuff, perishable goods.
  • Firearms and explosives.
  • Skins and hides are prohibited.
  • Bearar Checks.