UPS Courier Tracking India

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The Logistics Company UPS Courier Tracking India Status Shipway is the future shipping option that meets all of your needs.

UPS Courier Near Me

CITYPhone NumberEmail AddressCompany Address
[email protected]Plot No. 831, Shop No. 02 Sector 07, Avas Vikas Colony Bodla, Sikandra-Agra (282007) Uttar Pradesh-India

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UPS Logistics Tracking India

Welcome to UPS Dispatch, a confided-in forerunner in the operations and messenger industry in India. With a rich legacy spanning quite a few years,  UPS Logistics Pvt Ltd has laid a good foundation for itself as a dependable and client-centred delivery arrangement supplier.

UPS Transport reflects its commitment to excellence through its steadfast dedication to delivering packages safely and on time, without fail. They grasp the significance of your shipments and focus on your requirements at each step of the interaction.

At UPS Courier, they embrace advancement and innovation to offer proficient and reasonable planned operations arrangements. They constantly endeavour to lessen their natural effect and advance eco-accommodating practices throughout their tasks.

Their guiding principles of dependability, client-centricity, honesty, advancement, and supportability are at the core of all that they do. These qualities guide them in building trust, encouraging straightforwardness, and conveying better administration than their esteemed clients.

As your preferred shipping partner, UPS Courier Tracking India takes pride in their vision to become the leading integrated operations and courier service provider in India. They mean to accomplish this by reliably surpassing your assumptions and giving customized answers to meet your transportation needs. Much thanks to you for picking UPS Messenger as your believed coordinated factors accomplice.”

Vision, Mission and Values


  • To be the chief strategies and dispatch specialist co-op in India, perceived for their advancement, client-driven approach, and obligation to maintainability.


  • Their main goal is to give consistent, effective, and feasible messenger and planned operations answers for their clients. They plan to surpass their assumptions by conveying their bundles securely and on time while constantly advancing to lessen their ecological effect.


Reliability: UPS Courier Tracking India is devoted to conveying your bundles on time, without fail, guaranteeing the greatest amount of dependability in their administrations.

Customer-Centric: UPS’s clients are at the core of all that they do. They focus on their requirements and give customized arrangements.

Integrity: They maintain the most elevated moral guidelines, encouraging trust and straightforwardness in the entirety of their cooperation.

Innovation: They embrace innovation and development to constantly work on their administrations and lessen their carbon impression.

Sustainability: They are committed to reducing their environmental impact by implementing eco-friendly practices throughout their operations.

Prohibited Items in UPS Tracking India

Perilous Materials: UPS Express Pvt Ltd stringently forbids delivering dangerous materials, like explosives, combustible gases, destructive materials, and radioactive substances. These things can present huge dangers.

Weapons: Guns, ammunition, and explosives are commonly prohibited. Explicit guidelines might change by area and country.

Live Creatures: Freight shipments do not commonly allow live animals, including pets.. Particular administrations are accessible for the transportation of live creatures.

Transitory Things: UPS freight administration isn’t reasonable for transitory things that require refrigeration or unique dealing, like new food and plants.

Fake Things: Prohibits delivering fake merchandise or things that encroach on protected intellectual property rights.

Social and Verifiable Antiquities: The vehicle of social and verifiable antiquities might be dependent upon explicit guidelines and commodity limitations.

Cash and Resources: Delivering cash, valuable metals, and other important things can be dangerous and is for the most part deterred. Secure delivery choices might be accessible for these things.

Frequently Asked Questions By UPS Courier Tracking India

How might I follow my shipment with UPS Messenger?

To follow your shipment, just enter your following number in the “Track Shipment” box on their site’s landing page.

What is the assessed conveyance time for my bundle?

Conveyance times fluctuate depending on the help level chosen. You can check the assessed conveyance date during the following system.

Might I at any point change the conveyance address after I’ve put in a request?

Yes, at times, you might have the option to change the conveyance address. Kindly contact their client care for help.

How would it be a good idea for me to respond on the off chance that my bundle is harmed upon conveyance?

Assuming your bundle shows up harmed, if it’s not too much trouble, contact their client assistance right away. They will start an examination and help you with a goal.

Are there any limitations on the size or weight of bundles I can send with UPS Courier Tracking India?

Yes, there are size and weight limits for bundles. If it’s not too much trouble, allude to their delivery rules on the site or contact their client care for explicit subtleties in view of your shipment.