Megacity Courier Service Tracking

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Megacity Courier Service Tracking is the future shipping option that meets all of your needs. To view all of your courier shipments, enter your tracking number.

Megacity Contact Number

CITYPhone NumberEmail AddressCompany Address
Kolkata+91 9073407036,
8240110204,+91 9903367865
[email protected]67A, Ground Floor, Malanga Lane, Bow Bazaar, Kolkata, West Bengal 700012

Official Website Link:

You can also use our tracking tool for Neelgiri Courier Tracking.

Megacity Service Tracking

One of the most prominent providers of logistics services in Eastern India is Megacity Service. They operate from their headquarters in Kolkata and now have over 250 branches and offices in all of India’s major cities, from which they offer the best service to almost every part of the country. 

They generally made an honest effort to comprehend and satisfy your necessities by giving the most significant level of dependability and modified administrations at a prudent expense. 

Megacity Service began local operations in Kolkata in the year 2000 with little capital and staff. Over a range of 11 years, it proceeded to create a main messenger specialist co-op for its important clients all over India premise. They are now in a position of leadership in the express industry thanks to the hard work of their employees and their determination to succeed. 

Presently they are an all-India-based premium dispatch organization more known for their productivity, Impressive skill and Use of current innovations. Their client’s trust, their persistent effort and the best assistance at practical costs have assisted them in coming to where they are today.

Vision and Mission of Megacity Courier

Their vision is to give the best quality dispatch administration through cutting-edge organization, committed client care, diligent field staff, prepared and proficient in-house staff and current advances. 

The company’s customers have received the highest level of satisfaction at an affordable cost thanks to the adapted cultured work environment in operation and distribution. Their top priority will always be the shipments’ timely and secure delivery. Be continuously progressing and outflanking in a wary and orderly way. 

Utilizing information technology (IT) and other technologies for sustained quality standards, training, and motivation will help you become more customer-friendly and improve your brand. To achieve recognition as the largest dispatch centre in the State, they aim to make their presence felt in every nook and corner of India.

Their main goal is to surpass their clients’ assumptions in the exchange of their products and records all over the planet. By offering the most dependable and effective distribution and logistics solutions, they always add value to their clients. By instilling pride in their employees, they are the industry leader.

Megacity Dispatch Administration commits to fulfill its clients’ expectations by ensuring the timely and secure delivery of their shipments. Expertly overseeing last-mile availability and satisfaction requires maintaining the best service and quality standards. At Expressit they convey.

Frequently Asked Questions By Megacity Courier Service Tracking

How can I check on my package’s progress?

Effectively track your bundle status by utilizing their web-based following gateway with your following number.

Is it conceivable to change the conveyance address in the wake of submitting a request?

Tragically, address changes are not allowed once a request is affirmed to guarantee security and exactness.

If my package is marked as delivered but I have not received it, what should I do?

Contact their client assistance with your following subtleties; They’ll look into the problem right away and help you.

Are there any extra charges for utilizing the package following help?

No, their bundle following help is free and included with each shipment for your benefit.

What amount of time does it require for the following data to be refreshed?

The following data is consistently refreshed, normally within a couple of hours, giving ongoing permeability into your bundle’s process.