First Flight Courier Tracking

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First Flight Courier Contact Number

Phone Number022-62686666
Email Address[email protected]
Company AddressG – 1001/02, 10th Floor, Lotus Corporate Park, Off Jay Coach Flyover, Western Express Highway, Goregaon (E), Mumbai – 400 063. INDIA

Official Website Link:

You Can Also Track Gati Courier Tracking.

First Flight Courier Tracking

They have come a long way for a company that only had three offices when it started in November 1986. Their early nests in Kolkata, Mumbai, and Delhi have grown into 1200 First Flight offices across the country, and they are now a prominent global player with 9 international offices in prime locations.

Their journey to become India’s leading domestic courier company has taken a long time. They have successfully delivered your packages to all corners of the country and around the world—safely, quickly, and, most importantly, to the right people—in this passing of time, as vigorously as they dream. 

Their “client first” strategy has gifted them with a huge number of commonly helpful long-haul relationships with a variety of corporate and retail clients.


First Flight wants to be known as a trustworthy, honest, and profitable business that works hard to provide prompt, courteous service to its customers; for its Representatives, a feeling of family and a chance for self-improvement; a reasonable profit for its Shareholders; and support for activities that improve quality of life for the COMMUNITY.


They are a group of experts focused on CORPORATE Greatness. They flourish with Advancements through devotion, responsibility, collaboration, genuineness and trustworthiness to accomplish 100 per cent consumer loyalty. 

First Flight Logistics Tracking wants to make First Flight a household name in India and have a lot of visibility all over the world. By 2020, they hope to grow to a USD 150 million company, become synonymous with high-quality service, and achieve zero errors in service through high technology.

Items Prohibited By First Flight Courier India

Any containing shipment cannot be booked by the company.

  • Gems, precious stones, and jewellery.
  • Poison.
  • Explosives, weapons, and military gear.
  • Radioactive substances and hazardous substances.
  • Beverages and food.
  • Pornographic content.

Dangerous Goods

  • Goods that Pose a Risk.
  • Acetone.
  • Acetylene, either liquid or solid.
  • Ammonium Nitrate.
  • Except for Safety Cartridges, ammunition
  • Assault Benzine.
  • Benzoline.
  • Calcium Carbide.
  • Camphor Oil.
  • Sulfur and carbon.
  • Acid Carboxylate (in a Steel Cylinder).
  • Carbolic Corrosive.
  • Gas.
  • ++ Chlorate Of Potassium.
  • Soda Chlorate.
  • Cordites in a clump.
  • Dynamite.
  • Oxygen ethyl ether.
  • Anything and everything explosive, including percussion caps.
  • Film Except if Stuffed In Flame resistant Metal Compartments.
  • Firecracker and Wafers.
  • Powder for Photographic Fulmination.
  • Gases Of Any Portrayal (Under Tension).
  • Gun Dust.
  • Air Arm.
  • Pistols.
  • Peroxide in hydrogen.
  • Kerosene.
  • Various sorts of Dinner Worms Methylated Soul Naphtha.
  • Sodium nitrate and peroxide.
  • Nitrogen glycerin.
  • Nitro Of Lime Calcium.
  • Paraffin Peticum and Its Items (Except for When Utilized As Fuel And Contained In Tank Accommodate The Reason).
  • Phosphorous.
  • Pyrotechnics made of pyridine (other than Rocket Safety Dynamite, which is required for AC navigation).
  • Fuses (With or Without Saltpeter Detonator).
  • Wine or booze.
  • Gas-containing varnish and other products.
  • Permanent explosive rivets.
  • Magnets.
  • Mercury Oxide.

Articles Prohibited By First Flight Tracking

  • Benzoyl acetate peroxide.
  • A.O.S. Air Liquid Non-Pressurized Aluminium Di Ethyl Mono Chloride Aluminium Dross Poisons Aerolein Uninhibited Aerosol Products Class A.
  • Wet Arsine Dark Powder Boms Unstable Covers Blasing.
  • Combinations of chloropicrin and methyl chloride
  • Explosives in the form of cigarettes or explosive devices cause a new fire.
  • Quenchers Charges.
  • Fuses.
  • Exploding Projectile.
  • Isopropyl hydrogen sulfide is unhindered.
  • Hand Gun Or Rifle With Blasting Charges.
  • Grenades.
  • Nerve Gas.
  • Liquid hydrogen.
  • Per Carbonated Settled Isoprophyl Unstabilized.
  • Low-level explosives
  • Carpony Nickel.
  • Oxygen peroxide.
  • Wasted oxygen.
  • Items with restrictions
  • Acetal.
  • Acetone.
  • Fluoride of ammonium.
  • Argo.
  • Gaseous.
  • Arsenic Corrosive Strong Barium Chlorate Benzene.
  • Borneol.
  • Calcium.
  • Carbon monoxide chloride gaseous or liquefied
  • Activated charcoal
  • Charcoal Activated.
  • Chloroform.
  • Cyanide of copper.
  • Petroleum Crude Oil
  • Discetyl.
  • Diethylamide.
  • Ether.
  • Ferric Chloride.
  • Formic Corrosive.
  • Aviation fuel.
  • Generator Engine
  • Helium is a gas.
  • Lead nitrate matches in hydrochloric acid and mixtures.
  • Wellbeing (Book Card and Strike-Box) Malathion Scents.
  • Methanol Nitrogen Vaporous and Silver Netrate.