BlueStar Logistics Courier Tracking

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Enter your BlueStar Logistics Courier Tracking number in the form above and click on the Track button to get the status of your parcel.

Blue Star Customer Service

CITYPhone NumberEmail AddressCompany Address
Jodhpur+91-9214430375[email protected]Behind Amar Chambers, Olympic Road, Jalori Gate, Jodhpur

Official Website Link:

You Can Also Track Akash Ganga Courier Tracking.

Blue Star Air Express India

They are one of the main Homegrown Dispatch/Freight and Business Administration organizations with an encounter of 10 years and every parade. They are having the most broad far reaching network years supported by expertly prepared staff at all levels. Their administrative centre is situated at Jodhpur and they have decentralized control through territorial. Region and branch workplaces. The exercises of the northern locale are controlled by this office. They have previously enrolled their presence with their restrictive and biggest organization in the dispatch and express industry in India. 

The organization came into the presence as a consequence of the proprietors’ vision of giving a reasonable dispatch and express administrations to the corporate’ as well as individual retail clients. Blue Star Air Express Messenger likewise more than once shows its special capacity of coordinating administrations to numerous ODA and Non-functional for the clients who need such help and are accommodative regarding cost. 

BlueStar Logistics

The company is a group of experts focused on corporate greatness. They try to foster high capability and accomplish no blunder in helping through high innovation and be equivalent with quality assistance. Blue Star blossoms with developments through devotion, responsibility, cooperation, truthfulness and trustworthiness to accomplish 100 percent consumer loyalty. They have a vision of making Vayuveg a commonly recognized name in India and have high worldwide perceivability. 


Committed to ensuring customer satisfaction, they dispatch transfers at the right time, aiming to establish themselves as a responsible, honest, and efficient organization. They actively strive to gain consistent recognition for providing clients with precise, timely, and courteous services. They foster a spirit of family and opportunities for personal growth among their employees. Additionally, they aim to deliver fair returns to their investors and support community activities that enhance the overall quality of life.

BlueStar Logistics Services

Custom-made to meet the time-delicate necessities of clients, their complete help bundle envelops both express and cargo conveyances all through India. They spend significant time in taking care of an assortment of mass records, including yet not restricted to portable or protection bills, bank proclamations, and yearly reports. Their administrations stretch out to the dispatch of mass mailings like pamphlets, direct mailers, and hello cards, arriving at areas the nation over. With an emphasis on fast and exact handling, they guarantee speedy and precise conveyance. Smoothing out the interaction, they offer moment booking through bar-coded stickers alongside address marks.

They handle conveyances in the express and freight mode in India. Mass records, for example, portable or protection bills, bank proclamations and yearly broad reports. Handouts, direct mailers, greeting cards, etc. Dispatch of mass and mass mailer to container India areas. Quick and exact handling and conveyance. Moment booking utilizing bar-coded stickers alongside address names.

Freight Administrations 

The Freight administration is intended for the client’s time-delicate requirements. They handle conveyances in the express and freight modes in India. Mass records, for example, portable or protection bills, bank proclamations and yearly broad reports. Handouts, direct mailers, greeting cards, etc. Dispatch of mass and mass mailers to container India areas. Quick and exact handling and conveyance. Moment booking utilizing bar-coded stickers alongside address names.

Warehousing Administrations

The homegrown bundle of administrations is intended for the client’s time-touchy requirements. They handle conveyances in the express and freight modes in India. Mass records, for example, portable or protection bills, bank proclamations and yearly broad reports. Handouts, direct mailers, greeting cards, etc. Dispatch of mass and mass mailers to container India areas. Quick and exact handling and conveyance. Moment booking utilizing bar-coded stickers alongside address names.

Frequently Asked Questions By BlueStar Logistics Tracking

How might I look at the situation with my dispatch? 

You can follow the situation with your messenger by utilizing the following number given at the hour of shipment. Visit the authority dispatch organization’s site and enter your novel following number in the assigned field to get constant updates on your bundle. 

Is it conceivable to get notices about my messenger’s advancement? 

Indeed, numerous dispatch administrations offer the choice to get warnings using email or SMS regarding the advancement of your shipment. During the following system, you can pick in to get alarms for significant updates, for example, when the bundle is out for conveyance or has been effectively conveyed. 

What do different notices in the following data mean? 

Following data ordinarily incorporates notices, for example, “On the way,” “Out for Conveyance,” and “Conveyed.” “On the way” signifies the bundle is coming, and “Out for Conveyance” shows that it’s out for.