Flipkart Order Courier Tracking

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Flipkart Order Courier Tracking Consignment Login Status Online is the future shipping option that meets all of your needs. To check all of your cargo shipments, enter the tracking number.

Flipkart Tracking Contact Number

CITYPhone NumberEmail AddressCompany Address
Bengaluru044-45614700[email protected]Flipkart Internet Private Limited, Buildings Alyssa, Begonia and Clove Embassy Tech Village, Outer Ring Road, Devarabeesanahalli Village, Bengaluru, 560103, Karnataka, India

Official Website Link: https://www.flipkart.com/

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Flipkart Logistics Delivery Tracking

Flipkart Messenger Following is a fundamental piece of India’s biggest and most trusted web-based business stage: Flipkart. As an auxiliary of Flipkart, they are focused on guaranteeing a consistent and dependable conveyance experience for their clients and accomplices. Their essential mission is to provide continuous follow-up arrangements that enable their clients to screen the status and area of their bundles from the second they put in a request until it arrives at their doorstep.

At Flipkart Messenger Following, they comprehend the significance of straightforwardness and proficiency in the conveyance cycle. With an immense organization of coordinated factors, accomplices, and cutting-edge innovation, they have set up a good foundation for themselves as a forerunner in the business. Their easy-to-use stage permits clients to follow their shipments easily, empowering them to design their day around the assessed conveyance time.

They invest wholeheartedly in their obligations to consumer loyalty and functional greatness. Their devoted client service group is dependably prepared to help with any inquiries or concerns, guaranteeing a smooth and hassle-free experience for all clients.

As a component of the Flipkart family, they maintain the upsides of uprightness, development, and client-centricity. Flipkart Dispatch Following is something beyond a following; it’s an image of unwavering quality and confidence in the realm of web-based business planned operations.

Vision and Mission of Flipkart Parcel


  • To be the most client-driven internet business stage, conveying excellent worth, assortment, and administration to their clients.
  • To lead in advancement, offering state-of-the-art arrangements, innovations, and encounters that reshape the online business industry.
  • To advocate supportability by carrying out eco-accommodating works, diminishing their carbon impression, and advancing dependable utilization.
  • To turn into a worldwide player, interfacing with shoppers and dealers across boundaries and societies, cultivating global business.
  • To engage and inspire their organization of merchants, empowering them to flourish and prevail in the online business environment.


  • Their essential mission is to reliably surpass client assumptions, providing a consistent and wonderful shopping experience.
  • They promise to diminish their natural effect through eco-accommodating bundling, green coordinated operations, and advancing reasonable item decisions.
  • They plan to extend their span to new business sectors, interfacing with purchasers and vendors worldwide and cultivating monetary development and social trade.

Services of Flipkart Shipment Tracking

Real-Time Shipment Tracking

Their administration permits you to follow your shipment continuously, giving point-by-point updates on its ongoing area and expected conveyance time. This straightforwardness guarantees you’re consistently mindful of where your bundle is and when it will show up close to home, giving you inner harmony.

Multi-Carrier Integration

They cooperate with a different scope of solid planned operations suppliers, guaranteeing that you approach the ideal delivery choices that anyone could hope to find. From public transporters to provincial dispatches, their multi-transporter joining empowers you to pick the most appropriate conveyance administration for your necessities, whether it’s speed, cost adequacy, or unique dealing with prerequisites.

SMS and Email Alerts

Flipkart Messenger Following keeps you informed with SMS and email alarms. You’ll get ideal warnings about your shipment’s status, including dispatch, travel, and assessed conveyance. These cautions assist you with arranging your timetable and guarantee you’re free to accept your bundle when it shows up.

Parcel Redirection and Rerouting

Life can be eccentric, and once in a while, you want to change your conveyance address. Their administration offers the adaptability to divert or reroute your bundle to an alternate area, guaranteeing it contacts you regardless of whether your arrangements change.

Customer Support and Query Resolution

They comprehend that various forms of feedback can emerge during the delivery cycle. Their devoted client service group is accessible to help you with any requests or issues you might have. Whether you want assistance with following, a conveyance concern, or general data, they’re here to furnish you with instant and supportive arrangements. Your fulfillment is their need.

Frequently Asked Questions By Flipkart Order Courier Tracking

How might I follow my request?

You can follow your request by entering your exceptional following number on their site or portable application. This will give you continuous updates on the status and location of your shipment.

What do I do in the event that my conveyance address has changed?

Assuming your conveyance address transforms, you can demand a location update by reaching their client care. They will direct you through the most common way of rerouting your bundle to the new area.

How would it be a good idea for me to respond on the off chance that my bundle is deferred?

Postponements can happen because of different elements. In the event that your bundle is postponed, they suggest hanging tight for a sensible time span. In the event that it doesn’t show up inside the normal window, if it’s not too much trouble, connect with their client service for help.

Could I at any point pick a particular conveyance time allotment?

Right now, they don’t offer the choice to choose a particular conveyance time allotment. Notwithstanding, you can follow your bundle to get a more precise conveyance gauge and plan in like manner.

What do I do assuming my bundle is harmed upon conveyance?

In the event that your bundle is conveyed in a damaged condition, if it’s not too much trouble, reject the conveyance and illuminate the conveyance faculty right away. Contact their client care to report the issue, and they will start the essential moves toward resolving what is going on and supplanting your harmed thing.