ABC Cargo Courier Tracking

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ABC Cargo Near Me

CITYPhone NumberEmail AddressLocation
Al Quoz+971 4 3332378 +971 56 5395358[email protected]Al Quoz Opp. Al Khail Mall, Al Quoz

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ABC Courier Tracking

At ABC Freight, they feel human relations are fortified with feelings like consideration and love. Sending something to friends and family and getting a shock from their darling is an inclination. They improve that involvement in their convenient conveyance, secure shipments, and bother-free client support. With innovation, they guarantee your bundles are constantly gotten and everything is followed and followed.

Their attention is on changing the debilitating strategy of operations and transportation into a simple, clear endeavour for their clients. Thus, limits are no longer a cerebral pain, particularly on the off chance that you have the ideal messenger arrangement. Likewise, they accept that the world is one area and can interface with their organization. Their shrewd advancement makes sending dispatches basic, no matter what the objective.

At ABC Cargo Courier Tracking, they accept that if you can’t move your freight rapidly, you ought not to be conveying it by any means! In any case, speed matters as well as quality. That is the thing they offer: quality assistance with speed. ABC Freight fills in as the equivalent of an expert freight conveyance organization. They provide air, ocean, and street freight transportation and documentation administrations under one rooftop.

Happy Customers7,500,000
Delivered Package6500m
Countries Covered150+
Shipping Cargos2500+

Vision and Mission of ABC Cargo


To frame the most confided-in association locally and universally in the field of delivery and migration and give their clients an all-out strategy arrangement and become their best option through dependable help, other than making an extraordinary space among individuals by expanding the nature of tasks.


ABC Freight is dedicated to the maxim of being a trendsetter in both homegrown and worldwide freight conveyance. They guarantee quality, security, worth, and genuineness to upgrade client dedication. They give master answers for work on private fulfilment for all and empower them to send their adoration place on the planet.

Services of ABC Courier

Road Cargo Administrations Dubai

At ABC Freight, they highly value offering redesigned street cargo benefits that are customized to meet the particular transportation needs of their clients. Regardless of the size or intricacy of your freight, their group is devoted to finding the most adaptable and productive answer for your delivery needs.

Ocean Cargo UAE

At ABC Cargo Courier Tracking, they comprehend that your freight really should arrive at its destination securely and on time. That is the reason they offer an exhaustive ocean cargo administration for shipments to and from Dubai. Their group is committed to giving solid and productive conveyance to bundles, everything equal, with different booked cruising choices.

Airship cargo Dubai, UAE

At the point when there’s no time to waste and you require the highest level of speed and unwavering quality for your freight, airship cargo is the head-delivering arrangement. While it might accompany a greater expense, the advantages of convenient conveyance and the possibility to upgrade the standing of your image make it a beneficial speculation.

Global and Homegrown House to House Pickup and Conveyance

As a forerunner in the planned operations industry, ABC Freight is glad to offer chief homegrown and global dispatch administrations. With a far-reaching organization of conveyance focuses and a group of talented experts good to go, they are exceptional in meeting the different necessities of their regarded clients.

Dangerous Items in ABC Logistics

  • Aerosol.
  • Air Sack.
  • Cocktails.
  • Alcoholic Substance.
  • All Batteries.
  • Ammunition.
  • Creatures of Any Structure (Alive or Dead)
  • Natural Examples.
  • Mass Fluid.
  • Cash/Currency.
  • Cheques.
  • Cigarettes/Tobacco/Stogie.
  • Cooked/Custom-made food.
  • Corrosives.
  • Crackers.
  • Risky Merchandise.
  • Drugs (Counting Remedy)/Opiates
  • Filth.
  • Fire Douser.
  • Fish (live or dead)
  • Betting things/machines.
  • Gun.
  • Unsafe Merchandise.
  • High-worth merchandise.
  • Human Remaining parts.
  • Irresistible Substances.
  • Ivory.
  • Impersonations: counterfeit sacks, reproduction watches, imitation gadgets.
  • Juice.
  • Adornments, Valuable metals – Gold, Silver, Marked watches.
  • Lottery Tickets.
  • Meat.
  • Meds – Nutrients and enhancements.
  • Radioactive/Radiation dirtied substances.
  • Engine Oil.
  • Unique Inscriptions, prints, lithographs form and logos.
  • Petroleum/LPG/Crude.
  • Pesticides/Insect poisons.
  • Pilfered Album/ACD or any capacity with stolen information.
  • Toxic materials.
  • Printed distributions, stony artists, and life-sized models in opposition to Islamic lessons.
  • Items that will ruin.
  • Items produced using/with pork.
  • Items imported/Coming from boycotted nations.
  • Items from Israel or items that have Israeli brand names and logos.
  • Amber.
  • Antique.
  • Beswick Figure.
  • Bottles.
  • Bulbs.
  • Camera.
  • Canvas Print.
  • Car Door.
  • Car Panel.
  • Ceramics.
  • Chandeliers.
  • Chocolate.
  • Clock.
  • Computer Monitor.
  • Confectionary.
  • Crockery.
  • Crystal.
  • Delicate items.
  • Detergent.
  • Diamonds.
  • Dinner Set.
  • Dry Fruits.
  • Electronics items without original product packing.
  • Fiberglass.
  • Figurine.
  • Fish Tank.
  • Fishing Rods.
  • Food.
  • Fragile Items (All).
  • Frames.
  • Framed or unframed Painting/ Photograph/Pictures.
  • Gems Or Gemstones.
  • Glass.
  • Glassware.
  • Guitar.
  • Hamper.
  • Headlight.
  • Jewelry.
  • Lamp.
  • Lenses.
  • Lighting/Lights.
  • Marble.
  • Microscope.
  • Microwave.
  • Mirror.
  • Monitor.

Frequently Asked Questions By ABC Cargo Courier Tracking

What region of the planet do you have administration?

ABC Freight will permit you to send shipments all around the globe. They have administration wherever on the planet.

What are your available time?

They are free consistently from 8 AM to 10 PM besides on open occasions.

How might I follow my shipment?

You can follow your shipment utilizing their site or Portable application. As a rule, your dealer or online shop sends you a connection to follow your shipment.

Does ABC Freight offer protection?

Yes! ABC Freight protects specific merchandise by paying extra. You can find out the things at: In the site.

How might I change the location of a shipment that I have proactively given over to ABC Freight?

No. You can’t change the location after you affirm your shipment.

How much is the expense to send freight to India?

For value subtleties, Call or WhatsApp them on 800916.